We’ve Located Unclaimed Funds in Your Name

We’re 97.4% Convinced They Belong to You

We’re 97.4% Convinced They Belong to You

We scour the country looking for unclaimed funds. We find them by auditing government agencies, examining their public records …
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Once funds have been located, we research their origin by going back through agency records to determine rightful ownership. In …
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We recover your funds on a contingency basis (that means no upfront cost to you). We will NEVER ask you to pay anything …
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No catch at all. If the money we found is yours, we get paid a finders fee for our work. If the money is not yours then we do …
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Let's Find Your Funds

Tax Payer Refund Recovery Specialists

Tax Payer Refund Recovery Specialists

Unclaimed Funds Recovery

Are you entitled to unclaimed funds, but don't know where to start looking for them? Look no further than Vega Property Recovery, located …
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Why Trust Us

  • Free consultation
  • Family-owned
  • Black-owned
  • Female-owned
  • No upfront fees
  • Financial recovery specialists
  • Trust and integrity
  • Commitment and professionalism
  • Relevant Advice

Get in Touch

Unclaimed Funds Waiting for You?

Give us a call and let us show you what our research has uncovered.