

McMillan, trained as an IT Technician, but he has worked for over a decade in project planning and implementation. So, he recognizes more as a Programmes Manager than an IT guy. He comes from Zambia, Southern Africa, but now resides in Botswana, a neighboring country. He is not big on learning languages, but he speaks 3 local languages apart from English; Bemba, Nyanja and Chewa. When not immersed in work, you can find him watching Chelsea FC and indulging in the delights of red wine, cheese, croissants, pizza, and avocado. He loves happiness and thrives in happiness. On his bucket list, he wants to visit space so that he can see the planet earth from a whole different point and he also want to fly a aero plane, even a simulation!

Languages he speaks: English, Bemba, Nyanja and Chewa

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